Перевод: с английского на португальский

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to black out

  • 1 black-out

    [bl'æk aut] n 1 blecaute, escurecimento (como defesa antiaérea). 2 apagamento das luzes no palco. 3 cegueira temporária dos aviadores. 4 interrupção no fornecimento de energia elétrica. • vt escurecer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > black-out

  • 2 black out

    (to lose consciousness: He blacked out for almost a minute.) perder a consciência

    English-Portuguese dictionary > black out

  • 3 black out

    (to lose consciousness: He blacked out for almost a minute.) sair do ar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > black out

  • 4 to black out

    to black out
    a) escurecer. b) Aeron perder a visão. c) perder a consciência momentaneamente. d) Radio interferir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to black out

  • 5 black

    [blæk] 1. adjective
    1) (of the colour in which these words are printed: black paint.) preto
    2) (without light: a black night; The night was black and starless.) escuro
    3) (dirty: Your hands are black!; black hands from lifting coal.) negro
    4) (without milk: black coffee.) preto
    5) (evil: black magic.) negro
    6) ((often offensive: currently acceptable in the United States, South Africa etc) Negro, of African, West Indian descent.) preto
    7) ((especially South Africa) coloured; of mixed descent (increasingly used by people of mixed descent to refer to themselves).) negro
    2. noun
    1) (the colour in which these words are printed: Black and white are opposites.) preto
    2) (something (eg paint) black in colour: I've used up all the black.) preto
    3) ((often with capital: often offensive: currently acceptable in the United states, South Africa etc) a Negro; a person of African, West Indian etc descent.) preto
    3. verb
    (to make black.) enegrecer
    - blacken
    - black art/magic
    - blackbird
    - blackboard
    - black box
    - the Black Death
    - black eye
    - blackhead
    - blacklist
    4. verb
    (to put (a person etc) on such a list.) lista negra
    5. noun
    (the act of blackmailing: money got by blackmail.) chantagem
    - Black Maria
    - black market
    - black marketeer
    - blackout
    - black sheep
    - blacksmith
    - black and blue
    - black out
    - in black and white
    * * *
    [blæk] n 1 preto. 2 corante ou pigmento preto. 3 luto, roupa preta. 4 negro, indivíduo da raça negra. 5 fuligem. 6 mancha, sujeira. 7 Draughts, Chess as peças pretas. • vt+vi 1 pretejar, tornar preto. 2 pintar de preto, enegrecer (sapatos). 3 ficar preto. 4 ficar temporariamente cego ou inconsciente. • adj 1 preto. 2 sem luz, muito escuro. 3 de luto, vestido de preto. 4 negro, de pele escura. 5 sujo, imundo. 6 sombrio, escuro, tenebroso. 7 hostil, ameaçador. 8 mau, malvado, perverso. 9 desastroso, calamitoso. black and tan terrier pequeno cachorro malhado. Black and Tans tropas britânicas na Irlanda (1921). he became black in the face ele ficou vermelho de raiva. in black and white preto no branco, por escrito. in the black com saldo credor, sem dívidas. the devil is less black than he is painted o diabo não é tão feio como o pintam. to beat black and blue moer de pancada. to black out a) escurecer. b) Aeron perder a visão. c) perder a consciência momentaneamente. d) Radio interferir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > black

  • 6 black

    [blæk] 1. adjective
    1) (of the colour in which these words are printed: black paint.) preto
    2) (without light: a black night; The night was black and starless.) escuro
    3) (dirty: Your hands are black!; black hands from lifting coal.) preto
    4) (without milk: black coffee.) preto
    5) (evil: black magic.) negro
    6) ((often offensive: currently acceptable in the United States, South Africa etc) Negro, of African, West Indian descent.) negro
    7) ((especially South Africa) coloured; of mixed descent (increasingly used by people of mixed descent to refer to themselves).) negro
    2. noun
    1) (the colour in which these words are printed: Black and white are opposites.) preto
    2) (something (eg paint) black in colour: I've used up all the black.) preto
    3) ((often with capital: often offensive: currently acceptable in the United states, South Africa etc) a Negro; a person of African, West Indian etc descent.) negro
    3. verb
    (to make black.) pretejar
    - blacken - black art/magic - blackbird - blackboard - black box - the Black Death - black eye - blackhead - blacklist 4. verb
    (to put (a person etc) on such a list.) pôr na lista negra
    5. noun
    (the act of blackmailing: money got by blackmail.) chantagem
    - Black Maria - black market - black marketeer - blackout - black sheep - blacksmith - black and blue - black out - in black and white

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > black

  • 7 light

    I 1. noun
    1) (the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen: It was nearly dawn and the light was getting stronger; Sunlight streamed into the room.) luz
    2) (something which gives light (eg a lamp): Suddenly all the lights went out.) luz
    3) (something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame: Have you got a light for my cigarette?) lume
    4) (a way of viewing or regarding: He regarded her action in a favourable light.) luz
    2. adjective
    1) (having light; not dark: The studio was a large, light room.) claro
    2) ((of a colour) pale; closer to white than black: light green.) claro
    3. [lit] verb
    1) (to give light to: The room was lit only by candles.) iluminar
    2) (to (make something) catch fire: She lit the gas; I think this match is damp, because it won't light.) acender-se
    - lighting
    - lighthouse
    - light-year
    - bring to light
    - come to light
    - in the light of
    - light up
    - see the light
    - set light to
    1) (easy to lift or carry; of little weight: I bought a light suitcase for plane journeys.) leve
    2) (easy to bear, suffer or do: Next time the punishment will not be so light.) leve
    3) ((of food) easy to digest: a light meal.) ligeiro
    4) (of less weight than it should be: The load of grain was several kilos light.) leve
    5) (of little weight: Aluminium is a light metal.) leve
    6) (lively or agile: She was very light on her feet.) ágil
    7) (cheerful; not serious: light music.) ligeiro
    8) (little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc: light rain.) leve
    9) ((of soil) containing a lot of sand.) arenoso
    - light-headed
    - light-hearted
    - lightweight
    - get off lightly
    - make light of
    - travel light
    III = light on - past tense, past participle lit [lit] - verb
    (to find by chance: While wandering round the town, we lit on a very cheap restaurant.)
    * * *
    [lait] n 1 luz, claridade, iluminação, brilho. 2 fonte de luz (lâmpada, vela, etc.). 3 janela. 4 clarabóia. 5 alvorada, clarear do dia, luz diurna. 6 fig exposição, conhecimento público. 7 compreensão, esclarecimento, conhecimento. 8 iluminação espiritual, luz interior, verdade. 9 aspecto, ponto de vista. 10 sinal de trânsito, farol. 11 fig luminar, sumidade. 12 algo usado para acender (acendedor, fósforo, isqueiro, fogo). 13 inspiração. • vt+vi (ps and pp lit or lighted) 1 iluminar, acender, brilhar. 2 inflamar. 3 iluminar-se, acender-se. 4 clarear. • adj brilhante, claro, luminoso. according to my lights a meu ver, no meu entender. against the light contra a luz. between the lights a) à meia-luz. b) no crepúsculo. fast to light que não desbota pela ação da luz, resistente à luz. in a good (bad) light de modo favorável (desfavorável). in the light of à luz de, considerando. men of light and leading homens de saber e influência. to bring to light descobrir, elucidar. to come to light tornar-se conhecido. to light out sair apressadamente, fugir. to see the light a) nascer. b) passar a existir, tornar-se público. c) compreender, entender. to shed light explicar, elucidar. to stand in one’s own light frustrar os próprios planos ou desejos.
    [lait] adj 1 leve. 2 fácil, simples. 3 ligeiro, rápido, ágil. 4 Phon átono. 5 alegre, jocoso. 6 trivial, de pouca importância. 7 frívolo, leviano. 8 claro. 9 fraco (bebidas). 10 suave, brando. 11 poroso, friável. 12 tonto, amalucado, delirante. • adv 1 levemente. 2 facilmente. a light heart despreocupação, sensação de alegria. light as a feather leve como uma pluma. light come, light go fácil vem, fácil vai. light in the head a) tonto. b) bobo. c) louco. to have light fingers ter dedos leves, ter tendência a furtar. to make light of fazer pouco de, não levar a sério.
    [lait] vt+vi 1 aliviar. 2 desmontar, apear(-se). 3 descer, pousar. 4 encontrar por acaso. 5 golpear, atacar (com into).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > light

  • 8 all

    [o:l] 1. adjective, pronoun
    1) (the whole (of): He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money.) todo
    2) (every one (of a group) when taken together: They were all present; All men are equal.) todos
    2. adverb
    1) (entirely: all alone; dressed all in white.) totalmente
    2) ((with the) much; even: Your low pay is all the more reason to find a new job; I feel all the better for a shower.) muito
    - all-out
    - all-round
    - all-rounder
    - all-terrain vehicle
    - all along
    - all at once
    - all in
    - all in all
    - all over
    - all right
    - in all
    * * *
    [ɔ:l] n 1 tudo, totalidade. all has been done / tudo foi feito. all’s well that ends well / o resultado coroa a obra, bem está o que bem acaba. 2 todos os bens (de uma pessoa). 3 universo. • adj 1 todo(s), toda(s), inteiro. he lost all respect for her / perdeu todo o respeito por ela. 2 cada, todos indistintamente. 3 o maior possível, máximo. 4 qualquer, algum, tudo quanto. 5 somente, só, apenas. 6 completo, inteiro. • adv 1 completamente, inteiramente, totalmente, positivamente. he was dressed all in black / ele estava inteiramente vestido de preto. he shivered all over / ele tremeu da cabeça aos pés. I am quite all right! / estou passando bem! the news is all over the place / a novidade é conhecida aqui e em todo lugar. 2 unicamente, exclusivamente. 3 excessivamente, muito, extremamente. 4 quase. I have all but forgotten / quase esqueci. he was all but drowned / por pouco ele não pereceu afogado. he is all but engaged / ele já está praticamente noivo. • pron tudo, todos, todas. what is all this about? / qual é a causa de tudo isso? he wanted all or nothing / ele queria tudo ou nada. all of us want to go / todos nós queremos ir. the trip costs all in all five dollars / no total, a excursão custa cinco dólares. above all acima de tudo, antes de tudo. after all 1 afinal de contas. 2 apesar de tudo. all about em redor. all along sempre, durante todo o tempo. all at once de repente. all day o dia todo. all in tudo incluído. all-in cost custo total. all-in insurance seguro contra todos os riscos. all kind(s) of things muitas coisas (objetos) diferentes. all of tanto quanto, não menos do que. all of a heap coll espantado, perplexo. all of us todos nós. all over the country em todo o país. all right! está bem! muito bem! all-round price preço global. all the better tanto melhor. all the town toda a cidade. all the world and his wife! coll Deus e todo o mundo! all-time record recorde mundial. all too soon cedo demais. all wet 1 completamente molhado. 2 Amer sl totalmente errado. all-weather utilizável sob qualquer condição de tempo. and all that e tudo mais, etc. at all 1 sob qualquer condição. 2 de qualquer modo. at all events em qualquer caso, de todo jeito. before all acima de tudo, antes de tudo. dressed all in green toda vestida de verde. each and all cada um, cada qual. first of all primeiramente, antes de tudo. for all I know ao que eu saiba. for all that apesar de tudo. for all the world! coll isso mesmo, exatamente! good-bye to all that! vamos dar um fim a isto! in all em soma, no total. it is all one (ou the same) to me tudo isto não me importa, é a mesma coisa para mim. it is all up with him coll ele está nas últimas. not at all de jeito nenhum. not for all the world! nem por nada! nothing at all absolutamente nada. once and for all de uma vez para sempre, definitivamente. one and all todos juntos (sem exceção), todo e qualquer. that is all! isto é tudo! basta! that is all very well, but... tudo isto está muito bem, mas... with all my heart com todo o meu coração, com toda a sinceridade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > all

  • 9 blacklist

    noun (a list of people who are out of favour etc.)
    * * *
    [bl'æklist] n lista negra. • vt colocar na lista negra.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blacklist

  • 10 dark

    1. adjective
    1) (without light: a dark room; It's getting dark; the dark (= not cheerful) side.) escuro
    2) (blackish or closer to black than white: a dark red colour; a dark (= not very white or fair) complexion; Her hair is dark.) escuro
    3) (evil and usually secret: dark deeds; a dark secret.) sinistro
    2. noun
    (absence of light: in the dark; afraid of the dark; He never goes out after dark; We are in the dark (= we have no knowledge) about what is happening.) escuro
    - darkness
    - keep it dark
    * * *
    [da:k] n 1 escuridade, escuridão. 2 obscuridade, falta de clareza. 3 sombra. 4 noite, trevas, anoitecer, o cair da noite. 5 cor escura, matiz escuro. 6 ignorância. 7 segredo, mistério. 8 dúvida, incerteza. • adj 1 escuro, tenebroso, sombrio, falto de luz. 2 quase negro. 3 de cor sombria, carregada. 4 moreno, bronzeado, trigueiro. 5 fig ignorado, cego, difícil de entender, misterioso. 6 opaco. 7 secreto, oculto. 8 ambíguo, obscuro. 9 triste, lúgubre, aborrecido, abatido. 10 malvado, perverso. after dark depois do anoitecer. a leap in the dark um pulo no escuro. in the dark no escuro, sem informação ou conhecimento. to keep dark a) ficar quieto. b) não divulgar o que se sabe, sl esconder o leite.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dark

  • 11 disgorge

    (to bring up (eg from the stomach); to throw out or up: The chimney was disgorging clouds of black smoke.) vomitar
    * * *
    [disg'ɔ:dʒ] vt+vi 1 vomitar, expelir, lançar fora. 2 desembocar, desaguar. 3 fig ceder relutantemente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disgorge

  • 12 stuff

    I noun
    1) (material or substance: What is that black oily stuff on the beach?; The doctor gave me some good stuff for removing warts; Show them what stuff you're made of! (= how brave, strong etc you are).) substância
    2) ((unimportant) matter, things, objects etc: We'll have to get rid of all this stuff when we move house.) tralha
    3) (an old word for cloth.) pano
    - that's the stuff! II verb
    1) (to pack or fill tightly, often hurriedly or untidily: His drawer was stuffed with papers; She stuffed the fridge with food; The children have been stuffing themselves with ice-cream.) encher
    2) (to fill (eg a turkey, chicken etc) with stuffing before cooking.) rechear
    3) (to fill the skin of (a dead animal or bird) to preserve the appearance it had when alive: They stuffed the golden eagle.) embalsamar
    - stuff up
    * * *
    [st∧f] n 1 material, matéria (prima). 2 tecido de lã. 3 coisa, coisas, substância. that is the sort of stuff I need / este é o tipo de coisa de que preciso. 4 pertences, bens. 5 traste, coisa inútil, bugiganga. 6 bobagem, tolice. 7 caráter, essência, natureza, qualidade, tipo. he has the stuff of a poet / ele tem jeito de poeta. 8 coll remédio, Amer narcótico. 9 habilidade, traquejo. • vt 1 encher, rechear, apertar, abarrotar. 2 parar, bloquear, obstruir, tapar. 3 empalhar. 4 estofar (móveis). 5 rechear (um assado). 6 forçar, empurrar, socar, engordar, empanturrar. 7 comer demasiadamente, empanzinar-se. 8 encher a cabeça. 9 vulg ter relações sexuais (com uma mulher). heavy stuff Mil fogo de artilharia. hot stuff fig coisa apimentada. stuff and nonsense bobagem, besteira. that’s the stuff! isto sim! assim sim! to do one’s stuff cumprir a sua parte, fazer o que se tem de fazer, mostrar a habilidade. to have the stuff ter habilidade, ter competência. to know one’s stuff entender do assunto, entender do seu ofício. to stuff into encher, apertar, estofar, forçar para dentro. to stuff oneself empanzinar-se, empanturrar-se. to stuff out empalhar. to stuff up tapar, tampar, fechar, bloquear, obstruir, entupir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stuff

  • 13 while

    1. conjunction
    1) (during the time that: I saw him while I was out walking.) enquanto
    2) (although: While I sympathize, I can't really do very much to help.) embora
    2. noun
    (a space of time: It took me quite a while; It's a long while since we saw her.) um bocado
    - worth one's while
    * * *
    [wail] n tempo, espaço de tempo. • vt passar o tempo de forma agradável (normalmente usado com away). • conj 1 durante, enquanto. while I was writing he went away / enquanto eu escrevia ele foi embora. she drowned while bathing / ela se afogou durante o banho. my hat is grey while yours is black / meu chapéu é cinza, enquanto o seu é preto. 2 embora. while I like reading your letters, I object to your style / embora eu goste de ler as suas cartas, tenho objeções ao seu estilo. a little while um curto espaço de tempo. a long while muito tempo. in a little while dentro em pouco, daqui a pouco. in the mean while no entretempo, durante esse tempo, enquanto isso. it is not worth while não vale a pena. not yet a while por enquanto ainda não. once in a while de vez em quando, de quando em quando. quite a while uma porção de tempo. while there’s life, there’s hope enquanto há vida, há esperança.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > while

  • 14 dark

    1. adjective
    1) (without light: a dark room; It's getting dark; the dark (= not cheerful) side.) escuro
    2) (blackish or closer to black than white: a dark red colour; a dark (= not very white or fair) complexion; Her hair is dark.) escuro
    3) (evil and usually secret: dark deeds; a dark secret.) sinistro
    2. noun
    (absence of light: in the dark; afraid of the dark; He never goes out after dark; We are in the dark (= we have no knowledge) about what is happening.) escuridão
    - darkness - keep it dark

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > dark

  • 15 disgorge

    (to bring up (eg from the stomach); to throw out or up: The chimney was disgorging clouds of black smoke.) vomitar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > disgorge

  • 16 light

    I 1. noun
    1) (the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen: It was nearly dawn and the light was getting stronger; Sunlight streamed into the room.) luz
    2) (something which gives light (eg a lamp): Suddenly all the lights went out.) luz
    3) (something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame: Have you got a light for my cigarette?) fogo
    4) (a way of viewing or regarding: He regarded her action in a favourable light.) luz
    2. adjective
    1) (having light; not dark: The studio was a large, light room.) claro
    2) ((of a colour) pale; closer to white than black: light green.) claro
    3. [lit] verb
    1) (to give light to: The room was lit only by candles.) iluminar
    2) (to (make something) catch fire: She lit the gas; I think this match is damp, because it won't light.) acender
    - lighting - lighthouse - light-year - bring to light - come to light - in the light of - light up - see the light - set light to II
    1) (easy to lift or carry; of little weight: I bought a light suitcase for plane journeys.) leve
    2) (easy to bear, suffer or do: Next time the punishment will not be so light.) leve
    3) ((of food) easy to digest: a light meal.) leve
    4) (of less weight than it should be: The load of grain was several kilos light.) mais leve
    5) (of little weight: Aluminium is a light metal.) leve
    6) (lively or agile: She was very light on her feet.) ágil, ligeiro
    7) (cheerful; not serious: light music.) ligeiro
    8) (little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc: light rain.) leve
    9) ((of soil) containing a lot of sand.) arenoso
    - light-headed - light-hearted - lightweight - get off lightly - make light of - travel light III = light on - past tense, past participle lit [lit] - verb
    (to find by chance: While wandering round the town, we lit on a very cheap restaurant.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > light

См. также в других словарях:

  • black-out — [ blakaut ] n. m. inv. • 1941; angl. black « noir » et out « complètement » 1 ♦ Obscurité totale commandée par la défense passive. « ayant soin aussitôt de fermer volets et rideaux pour le “black out” » (A. Gide). 2 ♦ (1967) Fig. Silence gardé… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • black out — {v.} 1. To darken by putting out or dimming lights, * /In some plays the stage is blacked out for a short time and the actors speak in darkness./ * /In wartime, cities are blacked out to protect against bombing from planes./ 2. To prevent or… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • black out — {v.} 1. To darken by putting out or dimming lights, * /In some plays the stage is blacked out for a short time and the actors speak in darkness./ * /In wartime, cities are blacked out to protect against bombing from planes./ 2. To prevent or… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Black Out (Roman) — Black Out ist ein 2010 erschienener Jugendroman des deutschen Autors Andreas Eschbach. Der Roman handelt von einem jugendlichen Hacker, der weltweit gesucht wird und eine Bedrohung der Menschheit aufzuhalten versucht. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Inhalt… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • black out — loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. improvvisa e inattesa interruzione dell erogazione di energia elettrica 2a. estens., sospensione totale di un servizio pubblico, spec. nell ambito delle telecomunicazioni: black out delle trasmissioni… …   Dizionario italiano

  • black out something — black out (something) 1. to stop delivering or receiving electricity. The power failure blacked out all of northern Illinois. 2. to keep from being broadcast or printed. Tonight s game has been blacked out on local television so you have to buy… …   New idioms dictionary

  • black out — (something) 1. to stop delivering or receiving electricity. The power failure blacked out all of northern Illinois. 2. to keep from being broadcast or printed. Tonight s game has been blacked out on local television so you have to buy tickets to… …   New idioms dictionary

  • black out — [v1] delete; cover batten, conceal, cover up, cross out, cut off, darken, eclipse, eradicate, erase, hold back, make dark, obfuscate, rub out, shade, squash, squelch; concept 250 Ant. add, pencil in, uncover black out [v2] faint collapse, crap… …   New thesaurus

  • black out — lack out v. t. 1. to cause to become black, such as a stage, a computer screen, or a city. [PJC] 2. to impose a blackout on (news or a sports event). [PJC] 3. to make (a written text) illegible by applying a black ink over it; to blot out. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Black-out (roman) — Black out Auteur Arthur Hailey Genre Thriller Version originale Titre original Overload Langue originale Anglais Pays d origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Black Out — bezeichnet Black Out (Roman), einen 2011 erschienen Roman von Andreas Eschbach einen Aussetzer, das plötzliche völlige Versagen eines Zustandes Black out – Anatomie einer Leidenschaft, ein Film von 1980 Di …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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